Dr. Leslie Holland

Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist

laholland@wisc.edu     (608) 265-2047

374 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Postdoc, Plant Pathology – University of California, Davis (2020)
PhD, Plant Pathology – University of California, Davis (2020)
MS, Plant Pathology – Washington State University (2015)
BS, Biology – New Mexico State University (2013)

Research interests: I joined the Department of Plant Pathology in 2020 as the Fruit Crops Pathologist. My research program is focused on understanding the biology and management of diseases of fruit crops using applied and basic research. I am particularly interested in fungal disease complexes, canker disease etiology and management, Botryosphaeriaceae fungi epidemiology and taxonomy, and chemical and cultural control practices. My extension program delivers up-to-date information on current and emerging disease diagnosis and integrated disease management practices for cranberry, apple, grape, and other fruit crops grown in Wisconsin. We collaborate with stakeholders, extension educators, crop consultants, and allied industries, to provide educational programming and tools to enhance the productivity and longevity of fruit crop production in Wisconsin.